Friday, July 6, 2007

Week 2, Thing 4: Register your blog

While I'm waiting to register my blog, I guess I'll expound on how much I've enjoyed creating it. This definitely falls under the "Play" pointer-- experimenting with different templates, deciding what type of content to release to the world. Admittedly, this is my first experience creating a blog, though I read many, especially those created by and for librarians like this one:

It's a great place (especially for women) to talk about work issues in libraries, library school, and the evolving role of women in library work. Much good advice is dispensed here!

My new blog and the others I read has gotten me thinking about how I might use a blog in my professional life more often-- to communicate library services with patrons, publish the book reviews I write online, or even create a haven for library school students in search of like-minded souls.

While I wait to register my blog, here's a photo of my sassy Springer, Maddie. We both have similar taste in spectacles.

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